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Patrick Block is the founder of pamo. and loves interior design, rustic design and the technical realization of unique pieces of furniture.

Furnishing the bedroom is definitely one of the most important tasks when designing your own four walls. After all, this is where we ideally spend a large part of our (life) time. With an average of 8 hours of sleep per night, you'll get an estimated 28 years of sleep in your life. And that's quite a lot!

That's why it's so important to make your bedroom cozy and comfortable. We'll show you the best way to do this with our extensive bedroom ideas. Will you join us on an inspiring journey for more comfort and well-being?

The basics of bedroom design

Modern bedrooms should be one thing first and foremost:

  • comfortable,
  • functional
  • and stylish.

However, this is less about following a prescribed concept. It is much more important that you give space to your individual needs when furnishing your bedroom.

After all, you should be able to relax in your sleeping area. And this is only possible if you feel comfortable here. That's why design plays a crucial role in all bedroom ideas. It should always suit you and your life.

But before you can furnish your bedroom, you need to know the basics. They are the foundation of your future design.

  • Room layout: Depending on the size of your home, the bedroom may have to be used for other areas. For example, many bedrooms in Germany also have a workstation and clothes horse.

    Here you can use a Room divider And banish the unwelcome work from your field of vision. After all, nothing is worse than having to go to sleep with a guilty conscience.

    Even if you only really use your bedroom for sleeping, you should make sure you have the ideal room layout. As the focus here is on relaxation, your bed can take up the middle of the room. However, the head area should be leaned against the wall to give you a feeling of security.
  • Color scheme: Modern bedrooms are based on the principles of minimalism when it comes to color schemes. Even if you are not a fan of minimalist living feel intuitively comfortable with this color concept. Because the motto here is: less is more.

    And this is also reflected in the choice of colors. Pastel shades and muted colors such as beige create a harmonious mood and bring the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems into harmony. This creates the ideal conditions for a restful sleep.

    If you still want to use bright colors, only paint one of the four walls in your favorite shade. Anything else will feel very constricting in the long run.
  • Lighting brings light into the dark in the truest sense of the word. However, bright ceiling lights are out of place. To help you switch off in the evening, you should opt for indirect lighting instead.

    Floor lamps with subdued light provide soft beams of light that don't have too much influence on your sleep-wake rhythm.

Modern bedrooms in old buildings are not necessarily generously proportioned. If you only have a small amount of space available, you need to consider a few things when designing the room. How you can furnish a small bedroom we have explained here explained for you here.

Bedroom ideas: Inspiration and trends

Modern furnishing styles play an important role when it comes to bedroom ideas. But instead of chasing after a trend that will be outdated tomorrow, it's important to choose bedroom ideas that are both modern AND timeless.

After all, who wants to redesign their bedroom every year? That's why we've selected five trends for you that will stand the test of time. Let's go:

Industrial style

When it comes to bedroom ideas that are modern, stylish and timeless, the Industrial style is clearly ahead of the pack. Thanks to its straightforward and functional design, the furnishing style directs your focus to the essentials and gives you a light-flooded feel-good atmosphere.


Bedroom furnishing ideas can sometimes combine different concepts. This is exactly the case with Japandi. Here, Japanese clarity meets Scandinavian naturalness. The result is beautiful bedrooms that harmonize modern design with natural materials.


If you are looking for bedroom furnishing ideas that are perfectly imperfect, the boho style is just right for you. The motto here is:

"Everything can - nothing must".

Sounds wonderfully uncomplicated, doesn't it?


Are you looking for ideas for bedrooms that are cozy and functional? Then take a look at the Scandi style. Wood and other natural materials reconnect you with originality. Functional and stylish Cane furniture provide a modern feel.


When it comes to bedroom design, we often need ideas that slow down our lives and create inner balance. It is therefore not surprising that interior design experts minimalist furniture and integrate this furnishing style into other living room concepts.

Functionality meets design: furniture selection and arrangement

Design and functionality are in demand in the bedroom. Ideally, the two components complement each other and combine to form an unbeatable dream team. To ensure that you find peace and relaxation as soon as you enter your sleeping area, it's not just the furniture that is important, but also its arrangement.

But don't worry, the following tips will help you to furnish your bedroom with ease.

  • Bed: The saying "You made your bed, now lie in it" is no coincidence. Because the bed is definitely the centerpiece of your bedroom. That's why you should pay particular attention to functionality as well as design. It's not just the mattress that matters, but also the height.

    Before buying, make sure that the firmness level is comfortable for you and provides the best possible support for your body. Ideally, the bedroom door should be towards the foot end or on the outside of the bed.

    If you have a small bedroom, you should not choose a bed that takes up the whole room. With a narrower bed, you can make small Rooms appear brighter and larger.
  • Bedside table: A bedside table is ideal for keeping your smartphone, glass of water and other items to hand during the night. Of course, it doesn't have to be the classic model with drawers and doors. There are no limits to your imagination. Even an old wooden box can become a storage surface in no time at all.
  • Wardrobe: When it comes to bedroom design, you naturally also need somewhere to store your clothes. However, the good old closets have definitely had their day. And for good reason: because these clothes monsters take up light and space.

    On top of that, they also make your favorite clothes disappear. That's why in modern bedrooms you'll now only find Closet alternatives. Above all Clothes rail systems are very popular. And no wonder. Because they are unbeatable in terms of design and functionality.

    The stylish Closet systems and Clothes racks create a light-flooded ambience and provide the ideal stage for your clothes. The days of endless searching are finally over. Because now you have everything in view.
  • Shelf: When furnishing your bedroom, you naturally also need space for underwear, socks etc. But it doesn't always have to be a chest of drawers. A trendy Shelving system combines both style and convenience. Stored in opaque baskets, you have enough space for your laundry and a stylish eye-catcher at the same time.

The bedroom as an oasis of calm: the best tips

Choosing functional furniture is not enough to create a cozy bedroom. You've already laid the foundations, but there are still a few little things missing for the ultimate feel-good atmosphere.

First of all, you need curtains and a matching Curtain pole. This way, you can protect your bedroom from prying eyes, darken the room and enjoy excellent noise protection at the same time. Incidentally, decoration is also important for a relaxed basic harmony when furnishing a bedroom.

Furnishing tip: Whether it's scented candles, plants or romantic pictures for the bedroom, there are no limits to your imagination. If you keep the guiding principle "less is more" in mind, you can let off steam and realize your bedroom ideas.


Furnishing modern bedrooms is not a curse, but an absolute blessing. This is because it allows you to express yourself freely and lay the foundations for your well-being. Considering the fact that your body regenerates completely when you sleep, the importance of furnishing quickly becomes clear.

So stop looking at bedroom design as a challenge and see it as a great opportunity to take your life and your health into your own hands. If you need help, advice or suggestions, we at pamo are here for you and you are welcome to send us your Request if you have any questions.


How do I position my bedroom correctly?

If possible, place the bed at the front of the room. Your bedroom design will be particularly cozy if you use Clothes rail systems from the rest of the room.

What do you need in a bedroom?

In addition to a bed, you also need a place to store your clothes in the bedroom. However, for an airy room concept and a relaxed atmosphere, it's best to do without a closet. Instead, opt for stylish and functional Clothes rails.

What makes a good bedroom?

In a good bedroom, style meets comfort and functionality. That's why furnishing experts recommend tasteful Tubular furniture.

Ready to transform your home into a stylish oasis of well-being? Find out how you can add your personal touch to any room with the right furnishing ideas and clever design tips: